As a follow-up to the CaRCC presentation that we conducted in August 2023, the Campus Research Computing Consortium has invited members of the HPC Ecosystems Project back to share on our experiences and challenges with a discussion afterwards around deeper collaboration and engagements. 

20 March 18h00 SAST.
Details of the event are available here, including an ICS calendar link:
Members of the HPC Ecosystems Project community in Africa will share more about their particular journeys through HPC, relating to their pain points, startup and sustainability challenges:
  • The University of the Witwatersrand will present on their HPC Special Interest Group, a student-run organisation that focuses on general HPC education and student cluster competition preparation. The talk will give a broad overview of the history of the group, what it does, some of the success stories and future plans. (15 minutes)
  • Rodgers Kimera will provide an overview of the Africa Centers of Excellence initiative currently in Uganda and Mali, started by NIAID. Rodgers will share an overview, a brief history, and some of the challenges and ambitions of the initiative (10 minutes).
  • Berny Chaimite will provide an update on the state of HPC in MoRENet, Mozambique - following on from his initial overview in August (10 minutes). 
  • Open discussion (20 to 25 minutes).

Call coordinates are:

Meeting ID: 824 051 8198

Password: 31415926

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