About - the HPC Ecosystems Project Name


The Name

The term HPC Ecosystems Project refers to the concept of an ecosystem of HPC facilities in an organisation or country. The apex of the ecosystem pyramid would be a tier-1 national facility, and the base of the ecosystem pyramid would be tier-3 systems or workstations used by end-users. 

The middle layer of the pyramid (the tier-2) would be the primary focus of the HPC Ecosystems Project, where we take the decommissioned tier-1 systems and repurpose them into mid-tier systems.

The goal is to provide access to performant HPC systems for end-users to optimise their applications before taking them to the tier-1 facilities. Of course, every environment is different, and for some, the HPC Ecosystems hardware will be their first HPC system. 

The concept of multi-tiered layers towards an apex system aligns with the ecosystem concept. And since we seek to align all partner institutions into a singular community, the pluralised form of ecosystems refers to the community of HPC institutions.

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